Match plates
Billet aluminum, CNC plate with CNC gating or plastic gating
Flat back or offset parting
Plastic tooling board master for cast aluminum plate with plastic gating
Blank plate with CNC mounted patterns (tooling plastic or aluminum) with plastic gating
CNC aluminum, iron or tooling plastic core boxes
Shell plates
Iron CNC patterns mounted on iron plates with CNC iron gating
Flat back or offset parting
Full ejection systems
CNC iron core boxes
DISA plates
CNC iron patterns mounted or inserted on DISA plates
CNC iron, aluminum or plastic gating
CNC core boxes
Air set tooling
CNC tooling plastic patterns mounted on plywood boards
Birch plywood walls
Tooling plastic dump core boxes with steel strips
Changes and Repairs
Update existing tooling to current rev. level
Gating change or repair
Nomenclature change or repair
Duplication of existing, worn out tooling
Portenga Manufacturing Company
Precision Patterns and Models